Monday, March 17, 2014

The Three Stages of Complete and Utter Shock.

If you have no clue why I'm being so dramatic, pop on over to East Coast Creative
Because THIS just happened.

Third time's a charm! 
 My Moravian Star Light Fixture was selected as one of 12, from 299 entries, to compete in the Creating with the Stars 2014 contest. I am honored and extremely excited to be paired with the amazing Shelley [The House of Smiths], whom I have been inspired by for years.

Message to myself:
[I'm destined to become a crazy cat lady. Which is fine by me.]

Wish me luck throughout (hopefully) the next four weeks! 

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  1. Ha ha. I would have gone through the same dramatic process myself. Congrats! Your submission was out of this world amazing. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.


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